Benefits of Outdoor Exercise

John Ryu, Staff Writer

Outdoor exercise has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. Fresh air and natural surroundings can help reduce stress and improve overall mood, while also providing an opportunity for cardiovascular and strength training. Not only that, but outdoor exercise also offers a change of scenery from the monotony of indoor workouts and can be a great way to explore new neighborhoods, parks, and trails. Junior Elliot Cao says, “Everytime I am stressed over school work, I go outside and have a walk to reset.”

One of the main benefits of outdoor exercise is exposure to natural light and Vitamin D. Sunlight exposure helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm, which is important for maintaining a healthy sleep schedule. Additionally, the body produces Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, which is essential for maintaining strong bones and a healthy immune system. Research also suggests that outdoor exercise can have a positive impact on mental health, and can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

However, exercising in cold weather can present some challenges, and safety precautions should be taken. Here are a few expert tips for exercising safely in cold weather:

  1. Dress in layers: Layering allows you to easily adjust to changes in temperature and can help prevent overheating or getting too cold. Make sure to wear a moisture-wicking base layer, an insulating middle layer, and a waterproof outer layer.
  2. Cover your head and hands: A significant amount of heat is lost through the head and hands, so make sure to wear a hat and gloves to keep warm.
  3. Be aware of the wind chill: Wind can make it feel much colder than the temperature indicates, so make sure to take this into account when planning your workout.
  4. Hydrate: Cold weather can dehydrate you faster, so make sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout.
  5. Listen to your body: If you feel unwell or have difficulty breathing, it is important to stop your workout and seek medical attention if necessary.

Check the weather forecast before heading out: check for the temperature, wind, and precipitation, and adjust your workout accordingly. For those who dislike the gym, outdoor exercise can be a great alternative. Here are a few outdoor workouts that can be just as effective as a traditional gym workout:

  1. Hiking: Hiking is a great cardiovascular workout that can also help to build strength in the legs and core. It is also a great way to explore nature and can be done at various levels of intensity.
  2. Running: Running is a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness and can be done on a variety of terrains, such as trails, parks, or even on the beach.
  3. Biking: Biking is a good low-impact workout that can be done on pavement or off-road. It is a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness and can also help to build leg strength.
  4. Swimming: Swimming is a full-body workout that is easy on the joints. It can be done in various outdoor locations, such as lakes, rivers, or even the ocean.
  5. Team sports: Outdoor team sports, such as soccer, basketball, or ultimate Frisbee, are a great way to get in a workout while also socializing and having fun.
  6. Yoga: Yoga can be done outdoors in a park or beach, which can provide a peaceful and serene environment, and it is also a great way to improve flexibility, 
  7. Climbing: Climbing is a perfect full-body workout that can be done at a variety of levels of intensity. It can be done at indoor or outdoor climbing walls, or even on natural rock formations.
  8. Kayaking: Kayaking is a workout for the upper body and core. It can be done in various bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, or even the ocean.
  9. Cross-Country Skiing: Cross-country skiing is a cardiovascular and strength workout that can be done in snowy conditions.
  10. Snowshoeing: Snowshoeing is a workout for the legs and core and can be done in snowy conditions.

Sophomore Hannah Kim says, “It is a great opportunity to improve your social skills by simply jogging outside and having fun.” However, exercising in cold weather can present some challenges, so it is important to take necessary precautions such as dressing in layers, covering your head and hands, being aware of the wind chill, and hydrating. Additionally, for those who dislike the gym, outdoor exercise can be a great alternative with many options such as hiking, running, biking, swimming, team sports, and yoga. Senior Micheal Liu adds, “When I travel outside the U.S., and I am not able to workout, I find myself running and hiking often for a few minutes.” These outdoor workouts can be just as effective as a traditional gym workout while also providing the added benefits of fresh air, natural light, and a change of scenery. Overall, incorporating outdoor exercise into your routine can be a great way to improve both physical and mental health, while also providing an enjoyable and unique workout experience. Freshman James Lee says, “Sometimes I feel depressed from things like school and relationship issues, and just going outside and enjoying nature really improves my mental and physical health.”

In conclusion, outdoor exercise has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health, including exposure to natural light and vitamin D, a change of scenery, and the opportunity for socialization.