Elise Pelgrum is a member of the class of 2027 and a second-year staff writer for the Issaquah High Times! She survives off iced lattes and classic literature, with a love for thrifting, backpacking, and listening to her favorite music. You can find her spending her free time at the Farmer’s Market or keeping up with the latest political news. Elise is an active member of Issaquah’s Swive team and is almost Eagle Rank in her local boy scout troop. In the past, she has worked at the Washington State Senate as a page, and hopes to go on to participate in the federal program in D.C. She is
unhealthily passionate about political journalism and plans to double major in college! Elise would love to do a few-year stint in the Peace Corps, allowing her zeal for community development and environmental stewardship play out. She will partake in a 3-week trip to Peru next summer as a member of the Junior Peace Corps, as well as follow out her second year on staff at Camp Parsons (the love of her life).