Today, there are over three billion people in the world that play some form of video games since their release in the mid 1900s. With the rise in popularity, it makes sense how more and more video games are being released and or updated every year as hours of screen time skyrocket. However, this increase in screen time also brings increased rates of injury resulting from excessively playing video games such as the “Gamer’s thumb.” According to Harvard Health Publishing, “Gamer’s thumb” or “PlayStation thumb” “occurs when the tendons that move the thumb become inflamed.” This is generally a result of overworking your thumbs during an excessively long and or intense gaming period. The rise of such gaming injuries brings questions about how people can prevent these gaming injuries.
To understand why there is a rise in questions about video game health, it is important to first look at why video games are becoming more popular which leads us to discovering why people feel connected to video games. Playing video games can satisfy all sorts of psychological needs. According to Outschool, “Different games can fulfill different categories of needs but games are often particularly good at fostering belongingness needs by allowing players to interact and grow relationships with others through playing together or sharing their interest; and satisfying esteem needs by allowing players to access feelings of accomplishment when improving or succeeding within the context of the game.” Many other gamers can affirm that the reasons mentioned earlier are a part of why video games interest them so much, but there is also much more to gaming than that. To others, playing video games also allows them to experience the thrill of discovering a new world and being able to take our minds off of stress and anxiety. Freshman Katherine Stephens elaborates that what motivates her to play video games is “because I like the escapism of it and like diving into a whole new world is just really exciting for me.” Besides fulfilling desires for adventure, confidence, and relaxation, video games also appeal to the desire to be able to rely on the constant access and opportunity to be occupied and distracted by entertainment. According to Living Life, “One simple reason that people’s behavior playing games has changed dramatically since the early 90s is that games have become more and more massive. Obviously, this makes sense in a bang-for-your-buck sense, … people … want the reassurance that a game might take them more than a hundred hours to complete before they buy them.”
Besides the psychological attraction of video games, there are also the technological developments that make playing video games so interesting and accessible. According to Living Life, “the interconnectedness of consoles and PCs via the internet means that competitive play exists, and it ‘never sleeps.’ There is always someone out there to challenge; there are always other people increasing their rank or making their team/character/deck better; and there are always tips to be read online about how you might tweak your strategy for more wins.” Before the existence of the internet, video games were very limited in online interaction. This interaction is one of the main motivators for people to play video games in the first place. However, thanks to the development of online servers, the internet, and Wi-Fi, people around the world are able to play with each other and that helps fulfill a desire for human interaction. Living Life adds “ever since video games no longer became a static entity (that is to say … you had the whole game and it wouldn’t change), developers work to constantly shift and update games to bring players back. This might come in the form of holiday events or costumes to unlock, or designers might send out regular emails to their fans advertising new upcoming content.” New updates and new aspects of games provide people motivation to continue playing their games.
Before covering the cons of excessive gaming, it is important to acknowledge the benefits of gaming (to a healthy degree). As mentioned previously, video games do help out with many aspects of a person’s mental, physical, and social health. According to Outschool, “People may be drawn to games which allow them to use and showcase their specific skillset. A recent Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study found that those who reported playing more video games on a regular basis also performed better on cognitive skills tests that involved impulse control and working memory.” With improved memory and awareness, people can improve in schoolwork and general everyday activities that require focus and attention such as driving. In addition, gaming brings friends and family together in a joyful bonding experience which junior Aahana Dhwaj can agree to as she plays video games with her brother and finds it worthwhile when they collaborate and compete against each other in games. Being able to have fun in the moment online with others or by yourself is something that is very helpful towards ensuring your happiness. According to the American Psychological Association, “Simple games that are easy to access and can be played quickly, such as “Angry Birds,” can improve players’ moods, promote relaxation and ward off anxiety, the study said. “If playing video games simply makes people happier, this seems to be a fundamental emotional benefit to consider,” said Granic.” Being happy in the moment leads to stress-free bodies as well as the possibility of a longer lifespan since emotions are heavily connected to the human life span.
The benefits of gaming come from a healthy lifestyle of gaming. Meanwhile, all sorts of consequences and side effects can result from an obsessive and unhealthy balance between gaming and your health. Spanish teacher Kelsey Early admits, “I think I do not play
often, I do not feel like they have a huge impact on most areas of my life. Although, when I was in my peak block blast playing, while I was at dinner with friends. I went to go see a professional musical and I remember like playing before, like in the theater, before it came on. …I do not love that I was wanting to play it or that I was playing it when I was with friends.” Even though it is true that social connections can be made through gaming, it is also important to realize that being glued to your screens can prevent you from making meaningful connections and experiences with the people that are with you in the present. In addition to the social downfalls of excessive gaming, there are also the physical effects such as weight gain, vision problems, seizures, and muscle issues (such as “Gamer’s thumb” which was mentioned earlier). Harvard Health Publishing warns that “vision problems are common complaints of gamers. The most common vision problem is eye strain, which can lead to headaches and poor concentration. Gaming has been reported to result in seizures, leading to warnings on the packaging.” With such physical risks, it is crucial for gamers to understand their limits in order to prevent these issues from becoming too severe. There are not just the social and physical effects that can result from too much gaming, there are also many mental issues that can be the outcome. Harvard Health Publishing adds that there are very real psychological conditions that can result from unhealthy gaming such as the internet gaming disorder (IGD) which is a more medical term for a video game addiction. Those that have this condition must meet most of the following criteria for a one-year period: gaming absorption, withdrawal, loss of interest in other hobbies and activities, loss of social, educational, and career opportunities, gaming to be free of negative emotions, failure to control, and a continuation of gaming even with mental problems. It might seem silly to think that a video game addiction is a real disorder, but its impact on people is very real and can cause many issues.
Besides the fact that too much gaming has negative social, physical, and mental consequences, it is also important to point out that there are very real educational consequences that result from overindulgent gaming. Sophomore Abbas Shaoob explains, “Recently, I have been putting my work aside on the weekends and just, like, putting entertainment first, so I can, like, take my mind off it later. So, it is kind of more like procrastinating more often because of it.” Stephens adds that because of her love for video games, she does not have as much time to train for sports or work on homework.
Although it might seem as though people are being advised not to game due to the negative results of too much gaming, that is simply not the case. There are many ways for you to create a healthy gaming environment. Living Life advises that when playing video games, it is important to set limits on how much you play, structure your day between work time and fun time, consider what types of games you play since some are much easier to “increment” your time with than others, plan other activities with friends and family, and consider your social media intake. Early adds, “If you feel like you are going to play a lot of video games, maybe just think about what secondary benefit can you get either like connecting with real humans while playing or through that community. Also, is there some sort of, like not educational in the traditional sense, but like can you just use you mind a little bit so that you are growing something in addition to just having fun?” There are many multiple ways to try and lead to a healthier gaming lifestyle, but they all rely on your willingness to change your current lifestyle for the better.
If you are truly struggling with discipline and limiting your screen time, it is advised to reach out to a trusted person in your life such as parents or friends as well as other people that can help out like therapists and counselors. There are also support groups to help with conditions like IGD such as Computer Gaming Addicts Anonymous.
Playing video games can be fun and can lead to a lot of benefits, but it is important to always keep in mind that these positive aspects of video games only occur when you have a good balance between your health and gaming. It is time for video games to level up in reputation from lazy and mentally detrimental to motivational and exciting.