Global idol-group XG debuted their first mini album, “NEW DNA,” on Sept. 27. With this six-song release, the seven girls of the group stormed the music industry with messages of women’s empowerment and confidence.
The album starts with a short instrumental introduction called “HESONOO” (meaning ‘umbilical cord’ in Japanese, symbolizing the members’ tightly woven relationship), which seamlessly transitions into a rap-based song, “X-GENE.” The members rap about a new beginning in this song, telling stories of reaching new planets and limits in the universe while on their musical journey.
Three feel-good songs, “GRL GVNG,” “TGIF,” and “NEW DANCE,” follow the album’s first two tracks. These songs reach over the hip-hop and pop genres and debuted as singles over the last three months, helping the group gain traction for their big release. I am fond of “TGIF,” which stands for “Thank God I’m Fly” in this context. The future house song makes me feel like I am walking on a runway with its pumping bass line and anti-drop in the chorus. If you ever need a pick-me-up, turn on this song and you will feel a confidence boost like no other.
The album ends with their title track, “PUPPET SHOW.” This song is my favorite from the album. While the beat follows a simple R&B structure, the lyrics and melody pull in the audience as if the group hold you by a string. With this track, XG imagines a new dimension where women are in power. They also express the experiences they encounter as women in our world. The chorus focuses on how they are played like “plastic dolls” who will “do anything” when they have no control over themselves. However, they talk about this idea from a third-person point of view; as if the roles were flipped and they were in power over other people. Upon first listen, I was impressed to hear XG’s different style of empowering women. Despite the upbeat sound of the song, the meaning of their words seemed slightly dystopian with their harsh truths (which was furthermore enforced in their grand-scale music video). This track really puts the treatment of women in our society into a greater, more understandable perspective that subsequently appeals to many people.
I have been following XG since their debut with “Tippy Toes,” released on March 18, 2022. Despite being active for just about one-and-a-half years, I have seen this group grow a huge fan base with their trendy music. Following their hits “SHOOTING STAR” and “LEFT RIGHT” from earlier this year, millions of people found themselves tuned in to what else XG had to bring to the table. As the members embark on this new chapter in their career, I am positive that they will continue to instill pride and confidence in many young girls. Come join XG’s puppet show and see a newer, bolder strand of today’s music.