Victory Delayed against Eastlake for Issaquah Boys’ Javelin
April 28, 2023
Isaquah Boys’ Javelin went to Eastlake on April 27 where they played with the other various field events. Eastlake’s best throw was Kai Lanem’s 160′ 06″ while Issaquah’s highest Wyatt Chollman threw for 126′ 03″ . Overall Eastlake won the javelin.
The day was warm and sunny, with much fanfare in the air. The stands were not overly packed nor were they particularly abandoned. The javelin team was practicing with the rest of the track and field teams. Despite the commotion there was a distinctness to their practice that was noticeable from the stands. What I particularly noticed was that the javelin trajectories were not what you would expect. A lot of the javelins flew in a more horizontal than curved motion. Despite the strangeness of these trajectories the Issaquah’s javelins generally managed to make it to about the 20 to 30-yard line from back behind the track. Eastlake featured similar trajectories but more force. This resulted in throws a bit closer to the 30 to 40-yard line. Junior Zachary Mecum, a javelin thrower, expressed this sentiment when he said, “I don’t know [for the overall field and track teams] but I don’t think throwers are going to win.” On the other hand, Jaydn Gaball in regards to whether or not Issaquah would triumph in field events, including javelin, said, “[Heck] yeah, we’re better, stronger, faster, better mentality.”
Mecumin regards to his motives for joining Javelins said, “My dad did track and field events when he was in high school so that inspired me” and in regards to their practice Mecum said,“We get three throws a day and it’s like two hours.” Overall Mecum said, “I’m kind of excited so I’m just going to hang out.” Overall about the track and field events, Junior Ellie Miller said, “I think our team has a really strong selection of both guys and girls in those events, we tend to really dominate. Our coaches have really thought out workouts that they take from college workouts. They train us every day Monday to Saturday.” There was over twenty minutes of drilling before the game started so you could tell that everyone was preparing to give it their all. Sophomore Carlo Saez was busy rushing off to his event but he took a moment to say, “Of course I’m ready. We train every day. Everything is a team effort.”
The national anthem started and practice briefly ceased as a sign of respect. Then once the anthem was done the games started with various events being announced to start at the same time. One could choose which events they wanted to look around and focus upon. The javelin teams continued the trend from practice, maintaining their consistent averages of about 20 to 30 yards for Issaquah and 30 to 40 yards for Eastlake.