The Lego Star Wars Remaster: Worth Every Penny

April 25, 2022
The Lego Star Wars Remaster: Worth the Price?
The original Lego Star Wars game for the PlayStation two was a classic, coloring the childhoods of many 2000s kids like myself. The open-world gameplay allowed for endless creativity for its players, featuring both dumbed down story content as well as a sandbox mode, of course based on the ever-popular franchise of Star Wars. The remake promised the same style of game with more options and more things to do. Has it been able to live up to the hype, or will it be forgotten as yet another over-ambitious project that turned out to be garbage? In my opinion, it is worth the money as it is a genuinely fun game that brings back a lot of good memories.
A general fear with any remake or re-release, especially after the disasters that were the Disney live action remakes, is that they will not be as good as the original, many such remakes turning out as soulless cash grabs by otherwise irrelevant companies. The new Lego Star Wars game does not fit in that group by any means, as it hits many of the same spots as the original and actually brings new things to the table. The style is the same, the entire world built out of Lego just like the first game in the series. Looking at it brings me back to first playing the original, completely immersed in a world so stupid and outrageous that makes you want to stay in it just the same. The characters have soul to them, featuring unique interactions with different parts of maps that make each and every one feel special, allowing the player to have a different playthrough of each level depending on what characters they choose to bring along. The levels and maps are all interactable, built so that the first play through only barely unravels the secrets that they hold within, allowing the player to literally disassemble them in order to unlock different parts.
The storyline is as expected; it’s Star Wars, after all. The game features a playable version of each movie, of course with none of the “nuances” that the plots actually have. Though many of us have already seen the movies dozens of times, playing through the games does not feel boring or repetitive, as everything has a new coat of paint put upon it, shining just like it did all those years ago when you went to the theater to see your first Star Wars movie. With everything going on in the world, being able to just play something so non-controversial and colorful like Star Wars brings tears to the eyes, just going through the game like we used to when we still had nothing to worry about, when the only problem ahead was the spelling test on Monday and whether dad would agree to order pizza on Friday night.
Even if you did not play the original in any respect and have no connection to the Star Wars franchise, the game is still worth a play. It is fun on its own and the nostalgia only makes it better.