Very Few Treats in “Hubie Halloween”

October 23, 2020
“Hubie Halloween” was released Oct. 7, and can be found on Netflix. The movie is not terrible, but it is not great either. “Hubie Halloween” feels like more of a throwback to classic 1990s Adam Sandler movies than a great new spin on classic Halloween movies.
I was not the biggest fan of the storyline. It was quite boring at times because it did not have many layers until the end where there was an unexpecting the turn of events in the last moments of the movie. Maybe a different setting than the middle of nowhere, Massachusetts, would have made the movie more entertaining. However, the movie did have many Disney Channel actors, and seeing them all together made the movie feel fun and nostalgic.
The main character, Hubie Dubois, is idiotic and awkward. The entire point of the movie is about how everyone tortures Hubie because he self-appointed himself as a Halloween safety officer. He loves Halloween, but it is also his worst nightmare because every single thing scares him. For example, he thinks a husky is a werewolf. However, he is a good observer and notices everything and remembers it all.
If Adam Sandler’s attempts at making dumb voices funny annoys you, then “Hubie Halloween” simply will not work and you should skip it. However, if hearing annoying voices does not kill your insides, then “Hubie Halloween” could be considered as a passable movie.
There are so many jokes in “Hubie Halloween” that it does not really matter if they land, because the movie is already onto the next one. Most jokes do not land, but the few bits that work work well. The movie tries too hard to make you laugh and quickly rushes through the attempts at humor. The movie moves so fast, and very few jokes make you laugh so hard you can barely breathe.
“Hubie Halloween” will be best for kids and nostalgic Halloween movie fans might like to see their favorite genre of films written as a comedy. The plot isn’t quite as interesting as I expected. It will take a special type of viewer to appreciate the movie’s attempt to make Halloween movies more about humor rather than horror. It is not the worst Halloween movie I have seen. The “Hubie Halloween” movie’s attempts to be different from other classic Halloween movies doesn’t totally flop.