“OKAY” Was Better Than Okay

“OKAY” LANY and Julia Michaels’ recent collaboration has caught the attention of many. “OKAY” is quickly becoming a favorite amongst pop music lovers.
May 31, 2019
LANY and Julia Michaels had their first collaboration, releasing their song, “OKAY,” in March, 2019. LANY is an American indie pop band from Los Angeles and is comprised of three members, Paul Klein, Jake Goss and Les Priest. Julia Michaels was originally a pop songwriter before she began releasing her own music. The artists said the process of writing the song was very intense because it has ties to their own experiences.
The music video for “OKAY” was released on May 28, 2019. The video included many beautiful visuals as it was filmed on a beach. The contrasting light shown in between shots was a great symbol of the two sides of a relationship. There is a part where the setting moves to a skating rink that I personally found out of place, but the way it was filmed was done well. The short, quick clips before the shot changed were engaging to watch, but I would have liked to see more colorful visuals like there were at the beginning of the video.
As for the song itself, I liked its fast tempo and straightforward nature. The lyrics were not difficult to understand, with lines like,“I bought that pillow on the couch cause it reminded / Me of the colors on the wall I thought you’d like it.” It was clear that the song was about a failed relationship and the difficulties in moving on. The melody was pleasant, and though it repeated for most of the song, the song was catchy and short enough that its repetitive nature was not annoying.
Based on this collaboration, I would be interested in seeing these artists work together on another song in the future. If you enjoy pop music and have not listened to the song yet, I would recommend you do so as there is a great chance you will like it.