Wealthy Families Caught Cheating on College Admissions

Sophie Kirkegaard, Editor in Chief

William Rick Singer, CEO of college admissions prep academy “The Key,” pleaded guilty to four charges of fraud this past Tuesday, placing him at the head of what is being called the biggest college admissions scam in the United States. Singer is accused of aiding wealthy families in cheating on standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT, as well as creating fake athletic profiles and credentials to better the applicant’s chance of admission to elite colleges. According to NBC, families paid Singer between $15,000 to $75,000 per test to help their child get a better score, as well as bribed test proctors who administered the exam. Singer also worked with coaches at USC, UCLA, Stanford, Yale, Georgetown, Wake Forest University, and the University of Texas at Austin, allowing students to be admitted as athletes without having played the sport they were accepted upon. According to federal prosecutors, nearly 800 families are suspected to have been involved in the scandal, most notably those of actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman. Loughlin, who famously starred on the TV show “Full House,” allegedly paid $500,000 in bribes to Singer and his associates in order for her two daughters to attend the University of Southern California as members of the rowing team. Huffman also paid Singer $15,000 to get her daughter unlimited testing time for her SAT, as well as consulted Singer in search of hiring an individual to take the test for her. However, as the case continues to unfold, it is unclear whether or not the students involved will be prosecuted and have their admissions rescinded.