Issaquah’s Junior Varsity boys’ team had a marvelous baseball game on April 1, winning 2-1 against Woodinville. This adds yet another spectacular win for their already stellar record for the spring 2022 season, with only two losses and four wins for the time being. I did not expect any less; prior to this game the team already had a stellar 3-2 for official league games. The team is currently tied with Skyline for second in the JV league, Mount Si barely pulling ahead with a 6-0. Our opponents are not far though, with a four-way tie for third. The tide could change at any moment. At this pace our JV Baseball team could easily take second or even first in the state league, but with the incredibly close scoring of this season, we would need to wait to find out. We are less than halfway into the spring baseball season, and there are still 13 games to come all throughout April.
Issaquah only managed to score twice, an incredibly low score when compared to most other games in the sport. Most other games this season ended in scores of at least five for the winning team, but often being up at around ten. Friday’s score of 2-1 is an extreme rarity, few games ever wrap with just three total points scored. This was also Issaquah’s closest game this season, just one point up on Woodinville. A close game like this may not be seen again for a long time, as such a close match for two teams is quite rare.
The game was infuriating to watch. Any run that either team started was immediately halted by an insurmountable defense of the other. Though most hits went to the outfield, the defense of each team still managed to get outs much more often than not, keeping the game at a near standstill as players were tagged before even getting close to home base. Near the middle of the game, a runner got outed a hair’s breadth away from home. I could feel all the players’ blood pressure rising as they witnessed a hard-earned point snatched away right from under their noses. Similar instances happened yet again and again throughout the evening as bases were denied one after another.
Monday’s game on April 4 with Bothell is bound to be extremely interesting, as it will hopefully resolve the tie with Skyline for second. Viewers like you and I will be on the edge of our seats as we wait for either the ultimate victory or the ultimate loss.